Annalisa Nicotra, Ph.D.

 Unit: Department of Surgical and Oncological Sciences
Section: Cellular and Molecular Oncology Laboratory
Position: Senior Postdoc Fellow
Phone/Fax: +39 091.23890817

Dr. Annalisa Nicotra began her research career at the University of Rome, in 2009, where she obtained the PhD in Pharmacology at the Dpt. of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Rome “La Sapienza”. During her PhD she was responsible for a project on the role of the chemokines Bv8/Prokineticins in the development of inflammatory pain; her work was published in the ‘Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)’’; and she has also contributed to other 2 publications in journal with high scientific impact.

At the end of her doctorate, Dr Nicotra made first a Research Training as biologist at the immunohematology and serology laboratories of the Department of Transfusion Medicine of the Hospital ” Villa Sofia ” in Palermo , than she works as Temporary Research Fellowship at “Istituto Mediterraneo per i Trapianti e Terapie ad alta Specializzazione”(ISMETT). of Palermo.

In 2014 Dr. Nicotra obtained a post-Doc fellowship at the Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Physiopathology of the University of Palermo where she has focused her research activities on the study of isolation and characterization of cancer stem cells purified from human cancer tissues, in the analysis of responses of cancer stem cells to pharmacological treatments, and on characterizing xenograft, syngeneic, and patient-derived mouse models of cancer;

To date she is the head of In Vivo study and general animal (rats and mouse) handling.

 In 2018, Dr. Nicotra was enrolled as a molecular biologist responsible for the National Health Project (PSN 2015) entitled “Specific Biomarkers for the Response to Precision Therapies”, at the Laboratory of Molecular Oncology and Experimental Dermatology of the University Hospital “P.Giaccone” of Palermo .

Selected publications